The World Congress of WAS (World Association for Sexual Health) will happen in South America again, in Brazil, after 20 years of the last event.
People of recognized international scientific knowledge will be present in Porto Alegre, the city which will be holding the Congress. It will be a unique opportunity of discussion and to updating about the 7 different major area of sexual health. All the WAS’s federations, from the different continents, will be present in Brazil, as well.
The main topic of the congress is: “Sexual issues straight from the heart” A Latin theme, with Brazilian flavor, multidisciplinary and very challenging.
Submit your abstract / scientific suggestion. Make your paper work and/or group paper work present at the Worldwide of WAS in 2013.
The members of the 4 Was' Entities in Brazil are preparing an excellent scientific program, beside, the cultural and social activities under the supervision of WAS.
Think of coming to the country of soccer, samba, beautiful beaches and friendly people to discuss about science and sexual health.
We'll see in Porto Alegre at the early spring at the southern hemisphere next year.
Dr. Jaqueline Brendler
President of the 21st World Congress for Sexual Health.
President of the 21st World Congress for Sexual Health.

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